What's Going On In Your Yard And Why That Matters
Lisa Newell of Cultivated Gardens, Inc., Rewild Native Plant Nursery
Madison Blake of MadMann Co. LLC
(Synopsis follows under P2 and Q&A)
Every yard is of ecological significance. Residential practices and choices have a big impact on the health of the environment. We all have a role to play in protecting those who cannot protect themselves: insects, birds, and wildlife that are critical to a healthy, functional ecosystem. (con't next column)
This session provides simple, practical steps that anyone - no matter the level of experience - can follow to create a well-developed, easy to care for, pollinator-friendly Home Habitat.
Creating a Successful Butterfly And Bird Habitat
Presenter: Margery Winters, SPP Consultant; Simsbury Land Trust President; Chair, Simsbury Conservation Commission, Simsbury Open Space Committee; Assistant Director, Roaring Brook Nature Center
Butterfly gardens attract a host of beautiful winged creatures, and pesticide-free, native plant-filled Home Habitats boost critical pollinator, bird, and wildlife populations. What are some of our local birds and butterflies? How does a butterfly garden help both? This seminar answers these and other questions, and provides how-tos of creating a butterfly-friendly yard.